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need them in fs25


we need this in fs 25.


Please convert PLEASEEEEEEE

need to convert to fs25

Hey, JCL, i was looking in the files and i found The IH 2000 loader. Any idea how i could Implement it as a customisation thing, or would i need to make it into a seperate store item.

Please remake this 


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could you add the 606 it sounds awesome and I would love to see my grandads tractor in fs22. 

i dont think that is possible, if you see, it loks like it is a completely different size to the others. 

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But It still could be done.

Yeah definetley, but i dont think it will happen in fs22

Aw, dammit.


The narrow front configurations won't stay narrow front after I save & exit the game.  Each time I load the game back up the tractors are Wide Fronts. Anyone else have this issue?

Great mod JCL!

I remember when I was younger my grandpa had a 140 international and we had fourwheeler paths and I would bush hog the path.


I don't know if you are aware JCL, but the cultivator will not work with a helper or courseplay. I don't know if this was ever brought to your attention. Thank you for your great work.


Still floats across the ground, needs collision fixed on wheels


Hey! I love your mod. But I have a question concerning the 1206. Yesterday, I went to buy a second 1206, but when I opened the tractor in the shop, it said that there were no engine options. When I bought it, the engine was a DT361. Is that a bug or something, I've never had this problem before.

the 361 is the only engine for the 1206 

That sucks, there used to be more engine sound

Loving this mod! Found out you need to get fenders to make the headlights work. :)

please update it, the front and back lamp doesn't work

Fix collision on tractor it glides across the ground while standing next to it

is this for fs19?

cause not there will be nothing for fs19 anymore


They have been working great for me.


Anyone Know how to fix the no sound issue?

I like the mod it was working fine tell i loaded the game up and now they have no sound

Same, I cant find out what the issue is anywhere.

Did you ever figure it out? 

Nope. And now my game won't load and keeps saying it's not responding so if anyone knows how to fix these things it would be great.

That's weird, maybe clear cache, and have you tried with no mods? 

No more works fine and then I add mods in little by little it'll work but then randomly it'll just stop working. And I'll try clearing cache.


Great tractors!!! little issue running into, can not get narrow wheels to work. When attempting to put on narrow wheels it spawns with a completely random configuration. any suggestions?

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Hi i can't seem to find the front mount cultivator , this is a great set awesome job :)

The front mount cultivator or as the game thinks "weeder" will be found under the weeder category or if you look in your mod section you will also find it there.


Awesome! Just what I was looking for to use on my "old time farm"!


I Love This !!! Great Work and Thank You ...